The Robotics Journey

Where the real ones go.

In this collection of two courses, we're going to leave the Colab environments and Jupyter notebooks and learn how real autonomous robots work. We'll focus on ROS, the most popular OS of self-driving cars, and then dive into Simultaneous Localization And Mapping.

Course 1 — Robotic Architect

Start by learning the core skill of any autonomous robot engineer: ROS! Break out of Jupyter Notebooks and get real with ROS, while learning how real self-driving cars are built. Deploy Docker Containers, read LiDAR point clouds, camera images, visualize GPS coordinates and more. Be equipped with ROS2 skills, and also remain cool when dealing with legacy code on ROS1.

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Dive into the world of Mapping and learn how to build interactive maps with ROS while navigating an environment completely autonomously. This course is advanced, yet quite rewarding.

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Tracking Journey ⭐️
Robotics Journey (you are here)

Next — A sneak peek inside the tracking journey...